Powell Business Development Inc.

Powell Business Development Inc.



About Us

Mission-driven business owners often need help growing their business, not because of their business sense—usually, it’s second to none. No, they struggle because they are caught up in everyday operations or need a clear next step to grow their business.

Business Owners Need Three Things to Grow Their Company:

1) An Action Plan – A step-by-step plan to get them from where they are to where they want to go. Usually, it’s just a matter of carving time to think and articulate the plan.

2) A Personalized Marketing System – Owners get caught up in everyday operations and lose sight of what makes the difference in their business’s growth. A marketing system is a tool to attract and keep customers without reinventing the wheel every time. Copying big businesses’ ad campaigns only works when the systems are in place to attract and keep customers.

3) Work-Life Balance—There is a way to achieve business success without sacrificing what matters most. Why bother growing your company if you burn yourself out in the process? The popular perception in business is that you must sacrifice everything to “make it.”

We don’t just focus on mere communications, ads, social media or websites; we help owners identify a clear path to grow their business and build a system to attract and keep customers, all while achieving work-life balance. “For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself? (Luke 9:23-25)

Rep/Contact Info

Jacob Powell